Monday, December 5, 2011

The World's Online Tutor

Ever need help figuring out a formula? Or need to be brushed up on math terms you have not used in years? Well now its possible. Salman Khan, a youtube sensation, has created a youtube account explaining and breaking down things you would commonly learn in school as an online tutor. Khan's "Khan Academy" is available for anyone and receives around 3.5 million views per month. Now that we are in the age where all information is being technologically transmitted, it is important our education changes as well. With this new availability of an online tutor we are able to learn or perfect our education without ever leaving the house.

Gowalla teams up with facebook!

Gowalla, the internets newest networking site for traveling and review has now teamed up with the boss of social networking. As quoted by Josh Williams, the creator of Gowalla "Gowalla, which got off the ground in 2007, began as a mobile-based social network that was intended to let users share updates, pictures and location information with close friends. But it struggled to maintain momentum in the face of competition from services like Foursquare. It was eventually redesigned to be a social travel guide that lets members share their favorite restaurants and places to visit around the world." The Facebook company is expanding as we know it, who knows what they will take over next.

Turn That Cellphone Off!

We all know how annoying it is when a conversation is interrupted by someone talking on their mobile device; Or, with new technology people talking to there phones without another person on the line. It has been said that since the creation of Siri, Apples latest information hub on the iphone 4s, the increase of public disturbances by cell phones has risen. This article shows the testimonials of people all over the country who are experiencing the same problem our everyday devices has shown.

The New Tricks to Facebook, Things you Never Knew

Facebook, The most popular social networking site around now exposes tricks and things we have not seen before. In this article in the NY times we read about 12 things we didn't know about the social network. These tricks help you customize your Facebook page to create an internet environment in which you have complete control. By learning the tricks and hidden parts of Facebook, we can use the site to its largest potential.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Edited pictures

I changed the look of this picture by tinting the picture with a light pink hue

I changed the color of this by inverting the colors and adding a blue hue

I increased the saturation to make the colors appear more vivid and make the silhouette appear darker 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ZUMBA! The Newest Fitness Craze!

The Zumba craze has begun! For those who might not know, Zumba is a fitness method that uses Latin based dance moves as a work-out routine. This method has begum wildly popular all over the world with the opportunity to take classes, purchase DVD's and even attend a Zumba concert where thousands of people participate in the ultimate Zumba dance party. Dance and Zumba is a great way to stay in shape and have a great time doing it! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

St. John's University Writing Center gets it WRITE!

When you think of college you usually think of parties and dorms. However, most of us unfortunately have to remember a large part of college… long papers that seem to go on forever. Whether it’s for English, history, film or law the papers we are assigned are a huge part of any final grade. What if there was a place you could bring your paper, where a fresh pair of eyes can view and edit your work? What if you are totally lost and don’t know where to start your essay? What if you can have a skilled undergrad and grad student help you create your resume and cover letter… and all for free? Well such a place exists for the students of St. Johns University. The University Writing Center, located next to the library is a place where all these things can happen. As explained to the class by writing tutors Samir Abady and Sandra Nelson, help for your papers is easily accessible here at St. Johns. If you are interested in receiving help for your next paper the first suggested approach is making an appointment.
 Appointments can easily be made online or in person. Each appointment can be anywhere from 15 minutes to the full hour bracket. There are three available ways in which you can submit your paper for review. First, and most popularly is making a face to face appointment. This allows you to work one on one in person with a skilled writing tutor. Secondly, you can submit your paper online for it to be returned with comments and annotations. Lastly, you can have a live online session in which you and a tutor are both by a computer reviewing your paper together. You are able to make up to 2 appointments a week; however the facility is always available for a quiet working space. The writing institute is open 6 days a week, everyday but Saturday, making improving your writing easy, accessible and convenient. The tutors say the best tips for writing papers is plan ahead and don’t leave it for the night before, proof read your work, and read it aloud to fix your own mistakes. Writing is a large part of college, but at the writing center, students of any skill level have the opportunity to improve their writing.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Time to Tone

As we all know, finding a time to workout is difficult with our busy schedules. In order to have a successful routine in which you see serious changes in your body you need to create a physical fitness schedule. Working out inconsistently produces little to no results. The only way to see change it to create a schedule and stick to it. Also, this allows you to plan ahead and see what really works for you. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Remember 9/11" - St. John's displays the work of the Jeff Mermelstein: 9.11.01 Collection

The photographer, Jeff Mermelstein's favorite picture from the collection

As the 10th anniversary of September 11th passes, artists and journalists around the world are showing there interpretations in stories, videos and photographs globally. St John's opened an exhibit for the months of september and october that memorializes september 11th through the lens of Jeff Mermelstein. Mermelstein refers to himself as a "war photographer" who takes pictures of disaster sites. One of his photographs, featured below, is the most sold photograph worldwide.  It was the first documented picture of september 11th. As explained by the curator, in the Dr. M. T. Geoffrey Yeh Art Gallery, it makes us ask ourselves how do we resolve conflict? why did this happen? did we deserve it? The exhibit is mainly composed of photographs, however a major part includes a room with 3 chalk walls in which people could share there views of the event. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Keep your heart healthy

Maintaining a healthy heart rate is a key ingredient in burning fat while working out. If you do not increase your heart rate, the work you are doing is not being properly used and therefore is not as beneficial. The chart above helps you track a healthy workout heart rate based on your age. Try it out during a workout and track your progress!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Yoga is a great way to balance the stresses of school while maintaining a healthy fitness level

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Eat the foods you love and still stay fit?

Many people think that to diet or to stay fit you have to cut out all the foods that you love. Not true! Staying fit and maintaining a decent diet is all based on moderation. Moderation is key in all diets. Eating too much of any food is not good, the same applies to cutting full groups out. If you maintain a steady nutritious diet that contains all important food groups, indulging in your favorite foods is totally acceptable! Diet and fitness are the key to staying healthy. You cant only workout or only diet in order to maintain a good fitness level, so cheating by eating your favorite foods once in a while has no harm. Studies show that by indulging in less healthy food you crave in moderation is healthier then cutting it out. why? Because by not satisfying your cravings you end up eating a lot more unhealthy food then originally planned. In conclusion, it IS possible to eat the foods you love and still stay fit. Diet is about moderation.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The importance of a balanced diet

A balanced diet is important for staying healthy. Any food taken in excess from any group is not healthy. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Making your workout, work!

As we all know it's hard to balance a healthy diet and workout routine while we strive for a 4.0. However, there are many tips you can use to slowly change your lifestyle. For example, its so easy to start snacking on unhealthy junk food while finishing a paper or studying. Try to avoid snacking during this time because not only is it a distraction, but you easily lose track of how much you eat. The same applies to watching television. When you don't focus on eating you tend to consume twice the amount you originally intended. Working out can become difficult when you feel overwhelmed with school work and over tired from lack of sleep. In order to maintain a healthy level of physical activity make yourself a schedule for daily or weekly workouts that keeps your mind and body on a schedule.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to avoid the dreaded "Freshman 15"

         What most college students fear when entering into college is gaining the dreaded freshman 15. Freshman 15, for those who don't know, is the weight gain that is rumored that students entering college experience due to the change in lifestyle and diet. The top causes of freshman 15 are late night meals, choosing unhealthy dining hall choices, snacking excessively in dorms, lack of exercise and alcohol consumption.
         There are many ways to avoid this weight gain. Obvious choices include making smarter food selections. You don't exactly need to eat a salad for every meal, however, only eating junk food is going to take a toll on you mentally and physically. So, consider changing up your typical snack for a healthier option. Next, late night meals. Everyone has late night cravings, especially when you are under the stress of pressing deadlines and finals. By eating larger and more regular meals during normal hours can help you curb your late night cravings to a minimum. Exercise is also very important. Most colleges provide state of the art fitness facilities. Utilize them! working out, running, swimming or even going for a walk with friends will help you maintain a healthier lifestyle.
          Lastly, alcohol consumption. Yes it's college and most of us like to party. However, most of us don't consider what we drink late night as an affect on our diet. With most light beers equalling 110 - 150 calories a can, it adds up after a long night of drinking. So watch what you drink and always drink in moderation. The freshman 15 is totally beatable by changing just small routines in your day and diet.